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Magazine 2022
From now on you can design and create
extraordinary kitchen ideas with a creative, multifunctional modular system - almost without limits.
extraordinary kitchen ideas with a creative, multifunctional modular system - almost without limits.

Forum 2023
Reliving the home with all your senses – that is the goal of the current architectural designs
for high-quality kitchens and home furniture.
for high-quality kitchens and home furniture.

Reliable and Unique concept130 is far more than an adaptable modular system or the sum of individual innovative building blocks.

The kitchen is the soul of the house. Therefore, Häcker offers kitchen systems with an appealing look and top-quality workmanship. A perfect match for your life.

Forum 2022
Kitchen solutions with great sensuality. We only use the best ingredients: the finest materials, innovative technology and sophisticated details.

Interior Brochure
All sorted. The promise on the outside is kept in the inside. A remarkable interior design.

Spatial Miracle
Practical & beautiful. Have fun and get organised. Besides their stunning look, the excellent “Move” organisation systems also make your life easier - so versatile.
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